Uses for gas.

LPG is a reliable and modern energy source, that can be used in both homes and commercially. It can be used for cooking, heating, hot water systems and electricity generation. It burns at a high temperature, making it perfect for cooking and achieves great heating efficiency.

Gas bottles.

The use of gas bottles makes it easy to transport and store your fuel source. It is as simple as swapping out your gas bottles at your local distributor or getting them delivered.

Gas fitting services.

Geogas Vanuatu provides first-class gas fitting services to ensure that your equipment is installed, serviced, and maintained to guarantee safe and reliable operation.

Bulk Gas Supply.

We can provide bulk LPG for your business, which ensures that you have a cost-effective and convenient energy solution to meet your commercial needs.

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We’re Changing Our Name, But Our Service Remains Unchanged!

Let’s switch to Ggas. Let’s change your habits to make the planet green.
Let’s switch to Ggas. Let’s change your habits to make the planet green.