Suppliers of LP Gas.
We are proud to be suppliers of LP gas to homes across Vanuatu.
We conveniently deliver LP gas via bottles to your home and replace then when they are empty.
This means you can swap them over without any hassle. You can even pick up gas bottles at your local retail store.
Clean and Convenient Cooking.
LP Gas burns consistently, making it effective and simple to use for cooking tops, stoves, ovens, and barbecues.
Gas is cleaner and cheaper to use compared with firewood and charcoal.
LP Gas is a healthy way to cook as there is less air pollution, eliminating soot and smoke that you would get from other fuels. This is a better choice for you and your family!

Our Local Stores.
If you come into one of our local dealers or terminals you can also find a range of home appliances, ranging from cook tops, stoves, hot water systems and more!
You will be guided by our friendly and knowledgeable team, who will help you find the right product.